Supplies That You Will Need:
1. 1 List of questions
2. 1 mouth guard for each person (If you do not have the money or the time to get mouth guards, you can make Jello and have them cut into squares and put it in their mouth but if they are vegetarians you might have to also make Pudding and put some in a 3 oz paper bathroom cup.)
Directions to the game:
In this game you will have each person pair up with a partner. You will each be given a mouth guard, (Jello or Pudding) and a list of questions. When you get the Mouth guards (Jello or Pudding) only one of you will put the mouth guard (Jello or Pudding) in your mouth. The partner will ask you a question’s. After the person answers the question’s your partner will repeat what they think their partner said. After five minutes is up the person who already had the mouth guard (Jello or Pudding) in will take it out (if you used food swallow the food) and you and your partner will switch roles and do the same thing for five minutes.
Do this game for about 10 minutes and then have a 5-minute discussion.
Discussion Questions
1. What was frustrating about this game? Why?
2. What was enjoyable about this game? Why?
3. Did you learn anything new?
4. Does anyone know what kind of disability or disabilities the game represents?
(If no one can figure out what kind of disability or disabilities the game represents tell them.)
5. Discuss this disability and the challenges people with it might face on a daily basis.
6. What could we do as a society to make public spaces and processes more accommodating for people living with these disabilities?
Questions for The Interview Game
1. What is your full name?
2. Where do you work?
3. Where do you go to school?
4. What is your favorite subject?
5. What is your favorite animal?
6. Where have you always wanted to travel?
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